

This is my version of explanation. I would suggest you to come up with your own explanation. The best way would be for you to try explain this to somebody else in your own words.


Following is my version of explanation, but this is just an example. You may come up with a better version.



NR - CSI Codebook




Followings are the code that I wrote in  Matlab 2019b and Phased Array System Toolbox  to creates all the plots shown in this page. You may copy these code and play with these codes. Change variables and try yourself until you get your own intuitive understanding.


It will be helpful for you to understand the code here if you take a look at this page and understand how the radiation daigram for ULA (Uniform Linear Array). Make some practice until you are able to draw a radiation pattern of linear array antenna on your own.

The highlighted part in the code is for drawing the radiation pattern, W_5_2_2_2_1_5() is to calculate the weight vector based on 3GPP NR Codebook Calculation Algorithm explained in this page.


< Code 1 >


function main


    c = 3e8;        % propagation speed

    fc = 26e9;      % carrier frequency

    lambda = c/fc;  % wavelength

    NoOfTxAntenna = 8;


    antennaElement = phased.CrossedDipoleAntennaElement;

    txarray = phased.ULA('NumElements',NoOfTxAntenna,'ElementSpacing',lambda/2,'Element',antennaElement);

    txmipos = getElementPosition(txarray)/lambda;


    txarraystv = phased.SteeringVector('SensorArray',txarray,'PropagationSpeed',c);


    P_CSIRS = 16;

    N1 = 8;

    N2 = 1;

    O1 = 4;

    O2 = 1;


    i2List = [0 1 2 3;4 5 6 7;8 9 10 11;12 13 14 15];


    fidx = 1;


    for i2si = 1:4

        for i11 = 0 : (N1*O1-1)  

            for i12 = 0 : (N2*O2-1)

               %for i2 = i2List(:,i2si)'   

               for i2 = i2List(i2si,:)     

                    i_11 = i11;

                    i_12 = i12;

                    i_2 = i2;


                    W = W_5_2_2_2_1_5(2,P_CSIRS,N1,O1,N2,O2,i_11,i_12,i_2);


                    tStr = sprintf('i_{11} = %d, i_{12} = %d, i_2 = %d',i_11,i_12,i_2);

                    wStr = sprintf('i_11 = %d, i_12 = %d, i_2 = %d',i_11,i_12,i_2);

                    for i = 1:15

                       wStr = sprintf('%s ,%0.4f+%0.4fi',wStr,real(W(i)),imag(W(i)));


                    wStr = sprintf('%s\r\n',wStr);




                    %wt = W.';

                    wt = W;

                    wt1 = wt(1:numel(wt)/2);

                    wt2 = wt(numel(wt)/2+1:end);


                    txbeam_ang = -90:90;

                    txbeam_ang_rad = (pi*txbeam_ang)/180;


                    txbeam1 = (wt1*steervec(txmipos,txbeam_ang));  

                    txbeamMag1 = abs(txbeam1)/max(abs(txbeam1));

                    txbeamArg1 = angle(txbeam1)/max(angle(txbeam1));

                    txbeam2 = (wt2*steervec(txmipos,txbeam_ang));  

                    txbeamMag2 = abs(txbeam2)/max(abs(txbeam2));

                    txbeamArg2 = angle(txbeam2)/max(angle(txbeam2));


                    hFig = figure(1);

                    set(hFig, 'Position', [100 100 600 500]);

























                    axis([-1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0]);

                    pbaspect([1 1 1]);

                    title("W - pol 1");




                    axis([-1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0]);

                    pbaspect([1 1 1]);

                    title("W - pol 2");













function W = W_5_2_2_2_1_5(CBtype,P_CSIRS,N1,O1,N2,O2,i_11,i_12,i_2)


    if CBtype == 1

        l = i_11;

        m = i_12;

        n = i_2;


    elseif CBtype == 2 & N2 == 1

        if ismember(i_2, [0 1 2 3])

           l = 2 * i_11 + 0;

        elseif ismember(i_2, [4 5 6 7])

           l = 2 * i_11 + 1;

        elseif ismember(i_2, [8 9 10 11])

           l = 2 * i_11 + 2;   

        elseif ismember(i_2, [12 13 14 15])

           l = 2 * i_11 + 3;



        m = 0;

        n = mod(i_2,4);    


    elseif CBtype == 2 & N2 > 1

       % l = i_11;

       % m = i_12;

       % n = i_2;



    Vlm = CalcVlm(l,N1,O1,m,N2,O2);

    Pn = PhiN(n);


    %W = (1/sqrt(P_CSIRS)) * [Vlm Pn*Vlm].';

    W = (1/sqrt(P_CSIRS)) * [Vlm Pn.*Vlm];



function Pn = PhiN(n)

     Pn = exp(j*pi*n/2);



function Vlm = CalcVlm(l,N1,O1,m,N2,O2)


    Vlm = [1];

    Um = CalcUm(m,N2,O2);

    for n = 1 : N1-1

        Vlm = [Vlm exp(j*(2*pi*l*n)/(O1*N1))*Um];  





function Um = CalcUm(m,N2,O2)


    if N2 == 1

       Um = 1;


       Um = [];

       for n = 0 : N2-1

           Um = [Um exp(j*(2*pi*m*n)/(O2*N2))];  



